Friday, January 8, 2010

What can I use to get rid of spots and make my skin smoother?

I need anything (Homemade is even better with easy to gt ingredients) or creams eg. Clean %26amp; Clear/Simple (WIthout prescription) to make my spots and blackheads go away and for visibly clearer, smoother and non - bumpy skin on my face.

Any home remedies are really appreciated!!

Thanks!!!What can I use to get rid of spots and make my skin smoother?
Proactiv can in deed work for some people however a few days from not using the product you will get all of the acne back worse then it actually was before you started using Proactiv. This is because Proactiv only works on the stratum corneum layer (the top layer of the skin) which means the product doesnt penetrate into the sebaceous glands (your oil/sebum glands) to help decrease the amount of sebum coming out of your pores. Also every single Proactiv product contains Benzoyl Peroxide which really should only be used as a spot treatment becuase Benzoyl Peroxide causes extreme dryness to the skin.

If you are looking for an exfoliant to also help make your skin smoother and brighter then I would suggest going professional with

Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant.

It's like $75.00 CDN however it should last you more then 6 but less then 12 months if you use it everyday.

I've been using it for almost a year and I am just starting to run out. You use it every night after you cleanse your face and you only need about a quarter size amount in the palm of your hands.

Daily Microfoliant contains rice bran and licorice and enzymes which help to eat away at your dead skin cells and then wash them off. Licorice helps to brighten your skin tone. Your skin will feel smoother after just one use. I seriously love it. I exfoliate twice daily as I use Dermalogica's Daily Resurfacer in the morning.What can I use to get rid of spots and make my skin smoother?
I assume, these are from previous cases of acne. What I would recommend, (and im a teenager) is that you wash your face in the morning and it the night with a cleasner. You dry your face, and then you make sure to apply a facial moisturizer. This is to prevent more acne from appearing. Because pimples appear because of clogged up pores, which results in an oily face.For the spots and blackheads, they have alot of spot and blackhead creams on the market so pick whatever you like. Proactive is good also, to remove spots and previous acne scars.

Sorry I don't know any home remedies.
Don't panic Lou it's a stage that you will grow out of. Would you believe that Cher had the worst case of acne he had ever seen..Drink plenty of water,stay away from greasy,processed foods. Bonne Bell (brand name)make an excellent skin toner which is reasonably priced. I had ingrown hairs that had formed large lumps on my neck due to acne and I thought I would NEVER get rid of them. Till a pharmacist recommended a product called Benzac.(brandname,made by Galderma). It was miraculous it took some months but it has cleared my acne. Don't pick your skin you'll scar it for LIFE.
Well i think this would help:



i used it till it was gone! i think this is the best working thing out there.!

Try it!


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