they're all over my nose and how do i get rid of them?How can i get rid of those annoying black spots (blackheads?) on my nose?
you can always take a pin or needle and poke them out. it really does work and if you do it right they wont scar at all.How can i get rid of those annoying black spots (blackheads?) on my nose?
I forgot what is the name, but there is this thing that they sell that is kind of like a strip. You are suppose to wet your nose, then you put on the strip. After that you take it off (it kindda hurts for the reason that you are practically taking off little hairs from you nose) and you will see all of the black heads (pores) on the strip!!
I have the same problem. I use the nose strips too, but they never truely go away. I get so tired of them that I take a kleenex and just run my nail across the skin, it's gross and it hurts some but it does get them to come out for a little while. Don't attach your nose though or you will just trade the blackheads for red irritated skin. Good Luck!
i have them too. can't stand it. i try st ives scrub but it doesn't work, so all i can tell u is to wait until they go away themselves :[
otherwise, go see a dermatologist
biore nose strips.....the original nose strip for blackhead removal
=) Exfoliation.
Use exfoliants with gentle abrasions (little beads).
Exfoliate twice a week.
use neutrogena
es gibt so Pads mit orangen Peelpunkten drauf und die holen die Blackheads raus. die Pads sind rund...von Neutrogena?? ich wei脽 es nicht mehr...jedenfalls muss man die nassmachen und die sch盲umen auch....
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