Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do i reduce the redness in spots?

Serious break out - they are REALLY red it looks horrible, and i dont want to go back to school tomorrow all spotty and red, it looks horrible.

Please help, home remidies?

Thank you xxxHow do i reduce the redness in spots?
Sudo cream!! Put it on them before you go to bed and in the morning they'll be much less red.How do i reduce the redness in spots?
Wash your face with soap, but leave the soap on for about 5 mins and then wash it with warm water. Once its clean, get some ice and hold on the red spots for some 2 mins and then use lemon juice (just take a lemon and squeeze it, and then apply that on your face) if you want, you can also mix it with apple juice and apply the mixure on your face evenly but don't wash it off! Its best if you do this before you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning your face will be fresh and clean and just wash it with warm water and apply a small amount of hydrating cream and you're good to go! :)
Toothpaste is good, also perfume just apply on a night and maybe morning, its sounds disgusting but also popping them with make them less prominent. then applying the perfume or toothpast with make them dissapear :)

If you want to get rid of the redness quick, then get some concealer but make sure you take it off on a night properly if you have spots the last thing you want is clogged pores! :)

hope this helps

Toothpaste is pretty good, but the best thing EVER, is eyedrops. The ones to reduce irritation/redness, do the same for spots. Very soothing and cooling, instant relief. :)
toothpaste!! it really takes the redness out of them!

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