Saturday, December 26, 2009


heya guys!

i dont have bad acne and rarely get any spots but when i do there the biggest ugliest grossest ones ever like the one i have now right in the middle of my forehead!?

does anyone know of any good home treatments??!?

please dont say toothpaste it burns!

thnx in advance!

Laurz xxSpots?!!!???
Buy some special cream. Sudocrem, works well. My mum uses it, on her spots. :)

Try not to move your hands, all over your face, as tempting as it is.. it spreads germs.Spots?!!!???
dab a bit of savlon cream on it
Hey, to try to prevent spots in the first place don't use a cleanser or toner with alcohol in it. It dries out your skin and the pores become blocked which creates build up and then spots. Try to use something with fruit acids instead which will clean without drying. Also rigidly stick to a skincare regime - cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day. Even oily skin needs moisture, by leaving it out, your skin creates more oil to protect your skin and therefore more breakouts. And lastly make sure that you avoid touching your face, bacteria will transfer and get in your pores leading to, you'd guessed it, more spots. Hope this helps, I was the same when I was younger and did the exact opposite of this and surprisingly nothing helped.
once you pop it sudo cream
i know one good treatment but i can't say that here plz contact me in personal , ............... contact in my mail id ............
Benzil peroxide treatment.
Dermalogica's Medicated Clearing Gel always works for me =] x
Try Papaya kojic or licorine base soap/cream.

These work wonders.

Check this out:…
For you, Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Quick Clear Spot Treatment Gel sounds like it would do the trick. Its very effective in drying out and reducing spot size in just a few hours so give it a go:…
Water and remember DO NOT pick pop or play it will mark and the mark will stay for life! try using a good face wash like neutrogina (do not know how to spell that word) x
There are loads of spot treatments on the market that you can dab on to the spot overnight. Also, tea tree oil is very effective. I have clinique spot gel that you dab onto a spot and it is GREAT! Far better than the own brand boots gel. Unfortunatly I have found that the more money you spend, the better the treatment.
A tad of perfume on over will dry it out. Tea Tree oil really works. Don't Squeeze whatever you do. unless you really have to wait until it has white head before you pick. And if hurts STOP!
I recommend that you ask your doctor if you should go on the birth control pill-- it clears up your skin (and also makes your period better, sometimes makes your boobs bigger, and there are other advantages)..

Talk to your doctor or obgyn about it, it works for me.
what works for me is just plain ole dettol diluted in water,,,,

if diluted properly doesnt burn

but does work...
I just wash my face then use alcohol to dry them out...try your hardest to keep oils out of your face....
Tea Tree oil is a good quick treatment for spots.
Some women get pimples around the time they get their periods. If you do, going on the pill could help stop them.

Also, use a green concealer to cover the pimple. It will hide the redness much better than a regular concealer.
squezze out the goop, peroxide then alcohol-you have to get out the infection before it will heal
Try products from zenmed to care of your spots right from its roots. My personal experience with their products make me say this to you.

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