Saturday, December 26, 2009

How to get rid of spots on your chin?

Hey ive had really bad spots on my chin for years no matter wat treatments i use they just won't go away! I've tried every cleanser out there and medication and acne products but nothing works! Anybody have any ways to get rid of them?How to get rid of spots on your chin?
Go for a facial peeling and they will go away.How to get rid of spots on your chin?
change your bedlinen regularly, your chin comes into contact with them a lot, and can pick up a lot of grease, apart from that try Geranium oil, you can get it at a health food shop, a little dab neat will burn for a minute but dries up spots in no time!
Stop eating chocolate, and/or base make up on your face. try a low fat diet, i.e no fried foods like eggs, chips
squezzzzzzze them
Yes keep ypur chin away from places that cause spots.Probably its the clothes that you wear.You may be allergic to certain kinds of material in paricular Polyester fabrics.See the doctor cream is available for this type of thing.Sorry but it is annoying for you and not nice so make the trip now to the Doctor.
I had bad spots on my chin for years too. Really painful under-the-skin types that would swell up the whole of my chin and make me look like I'd been punched in the face!

I got rid of them by using Oxy On The Spot cream. It has Benzoyle Peroxide (BP) in it which is the ingredient which kills the spot. It works by feeding oxygen into the skin, acne bacteria cannot live in an oxygen filled environment and will die. Therefore, your spots will not be able to develop and so will disappear.

After washing, apply lots of BP cream to your chin, don't be afraid of using a lot, smear it all over your chin. Gently rub it into your skin. You should be so gentle that your skin should barely move underneath your finger. It will take a while to soak in so be patient, and don't be tempted to rub harder or else you will aggravate your skin!

After the cream has completely been rubbed in you may want to rub on a little moisturiser, as BP can tend to make the skin feel a little dry.

During the first 2 weeks, you may find your chin will be red and flaky. This is normal, as the skin has to harden itself against the BP. Stick with it. The redness will die down after a couple of weeks. The BP will kill your spots for you, you just have to give it time. Don't let the redness or dryness put you off, the skin has to shed its outer layers for the BP to be effective.

My chin was swamped in cystic spots and now thay have gone thanks to BP. Its brilliant.
Try dabbing TCP on them - used to work for me.
Dab them with Dettol antiseptic.
Have you tried mineral makeup (if you wear makeup!). It covers spots and doesn't irritate your skin. is a good brand.
Try visiting a facialist. A dermalogica facial does wonders for spots!!
shave with a sharp razor, then put savlon on your chin, it really works
read tips on treating acne , skincare and more on home remedies to help you better on this site

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