Saturday, December 26, 2009

What will help reduce appear of spots on my face?

I used to have pretty bad acne, but I have recently been seeing a dermatologist and the acne has since cleared up. But I still have spots on my face where the really bad zits were. What can I do to reduce the appearance of these spots?What will help reduce appear of spots on my face?
Try a gentle exfoliation on your skin once a week.

If after a while, they're still not fading as fast as you like, apply cocoa butter, vitamin E oil or fade creams sparingly on the scars.

Skin repairs itself every six days and time makes it go away. I've had the same problem and have started using Ambi Fade Cream and it's been about two weeks and I've noticed marked improvement.

Drink lots of water, remember to get your vitamins and wear sunscreen when going outside. The sun will make the scars appear darker and not fade as quickly.What will help reduce appear of spots on my face?
You will have to find yourself a skin lightener or brightener for your hyperpigmentation. Any products that have Hydroquinone are lighteners. However, this most popular ingredient has been linked to liver cancer. Most skincare lines have a brightener that is hydroquinone free. My favorite is by Starflower Essentials. Sephora also carries a few of them too. And wear your sunscreen! Sun can make hyperpigmentation worse. Also any products with lactic acid, specifically a skin wash, will be helpfull because lactic brightens. Along with a brightener, try Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant. Exfoliation will help and this product contains brightening rice's an amazing product!

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