Monday, December 14, 2009

How can I stop spots appearing after getting my lip waxed?

I usually get my eyebrows waxed and my upper lip at the same time however I find that I get spots on my upper lips about 3 days after. I moisturize etc but the spots still appear. Anybody got any hints?How can I stop spots appearing after getting my lip waxed?
I get the same problem when i get waxed. My waxer told me exfoliation and moisturising is the best way of fixing it. You should get moisturiser for sensitive skin. Or get one especially for after waxing, im sure boots do them.How can I stop spots appearing after getting my lip waxed?
my sister once tried one of those home face wax strips and it caused a severe reaction, blistering and swelling. It cannot be avoided apparently, my auntie who is a nurse told her that. The only true way of moustache removal without causing irritation is electrolysis but a cheaper alternative is facial hair bleach or hair removal creams
Apply aloe vera gel straight after waxing, it's natural and soothes the area and also helps with spots.
have you tried tea tree oil.
dont wax cause ur skin is sensitive n that's why u got those spots try to find another thing instead of waxing
pure lavender essential oil is good as its an antiseptic. it also helps healing (good to put straight on cuts etc). it also smells nicer than tea tree (which is also good but likely to make your eyes water)
i used to get some spots on my eyebrows after getting them waxed, it is perhaps the wax or the stuff they wipe over you after waxing you. this is what caused mine.
The moisturiser could be whats causing the spots, try it without, see what happens

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