Thursday, December 17, 2009

What is the best way to get rid of the dark spots under your eyes?

I try to sleep for eight or more hours but it has always been there. What is the quickest way to get rid of the dark spots.What is the best way to get rid of the dark spots under your eyes?
Man, you are going to hate me for this answer. Just my opinion, but.....

I started having trouble with bags and dark circles under my eyes, just within the last couple of years. Kind of figured there wasn't much I could do about it (tho some recommend chamomile tea bags). Then I went on a cruise and my daughter wanted a manicure. The young woman doing my nails tried a product under my eyes (I didn't ask her to) and, honestly, I think it has helped quite a bit. So much so that, despite the price, I bought it. It is available online and is called Elemis Absolute Eye Serum. Sorry, but it goes for $64 for a tiny bottle, but it should last a long time. Believe me, I can be really cheap in a lot of ways, but I think this helps (no, it doesn't make me look 20 years old -- I'm 45), but it seems to help.

BTW, one of the ingredients is, I think, chamomile, so you could still try the tea bags first.What is the best way to get rid of the dark spots under your eyes?
It may be a skin condition. I have them too, but I tan, so that helps. Covering them with a bit of concealer always helps, but doesn't get rid of them. I think there's a cream you can get. I want to say it's called Strivectin. I think Sephora sells it, and it's always advertised in Cosmo magazine. It's made for really bad dark circles
Drink a lot of water, take a daily multi-vitamin, and if you can find it, you can use a Vitamin K gel (Vita K Solutions- $12 at drug stores) under your eyes.
i have the same question, sorry i cant help tho
More liquid in your daily diet would help. Dark shadows are usually down to lack of sleep and insufficient liquid. Sleep at night, from about 10 p.m. onwards, for the best quality sleep, rather than in the early hours of the morning. I would try taking an early night after a relaxing bath, so that your sleep is deep, and then you'll wake feeling and looking just fine.

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